Belated Llama Head

Belated Llama Head

I have 100% accepted the fact that I am a performer. Is it an attention thing? Maybe. I think my favorite moments are when I'm an invisible performer, though. I like playing music and telling stories, but I really like wearing costumes. I like stepping outside of myself and acting completely ridiculous. I love becoming a character.

That's why I made this head for Llama Fest 2014.

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A Piece of Green Bean

A Piece of Green Bean

My grandma believes that Capri Suns can cure diabetes and that red Gatorade will give you cancer.

She loves anything with sugar in it. Dinner will hardly be touched, but she’ll always ask what’s for desert. For a few days she didn’t eat anything but Cracker Jacks.

Seriously lacking vegetables this week, we included some roasted green beans with our dinner tonight, and we told her that she had to eat two of them in order to get desert.

“Well, what’s for desert?”

“Chocolate chip cookies. Fresh from the oven.”

Her expression was pained. She wanted those cookies, but 3 cherry tomatoes, a small potato and two green beans was a big request. She said, “We’ll see.”

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Cabin Life Continues (with drawings)

Cabin Life Continues (with drawings)

I don’t think about the movie Dunston Checks In. It’s the one where an Orangutan comes into a hotel, runs away from his jewel thief owner and becomes buddies with the son of the hotel manager. It’s a forgotten speck in film history, for probably good reasons, and yet it turned up on our options of what to watch last night.

It didn’t get picked. What beat it out? The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. I couldn’t fall sleep for hours.

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One Year in Provo

I have this little app named Timehop that combs through all my social media accounts and tells me what I did on this day in years past. Most of the time it sends me on a short trip down nostalgia lane or completely embarrasses me. Thank goodness there is no myspace support, because my facebook statuses from six years ago are bad enough.

I noticed that a year ago today I had posted the picture of the big window of our house on the day we moved to Provo. It's been one year since I started living in this little city! It made me reflect on what I've done and seen in this last year, and how to sum it all up.

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