Spread too thin.

Sometimes I feel as though I like too many things. I want to play cello in a little alternative band. I'd like to take up watercolor, do more print making, create more ceramic pieces and become a better graphic designer. My archery skills are not yet where they should be, and I would really like to write more. Then there are the languages that I started and never finished: a bit of French, some more Russian, and 3 months of pretty solidly speaking Spanish.

In an ideal world I would like to pick up all of these skills and hone them to my satisfaction, yet when I get home from work I feel as though I barely have enough time to do my laundry and tidy up my room! Weekends are for events and family and church and whatever else comes up, not to mention catching up on sleep.

It makes me wonder what I should actually be spending my time on. Is it too grandiose of a goal to be accomplished in a handful of things, or is it better to put your efforts into one?

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Spring is Here!

This winter has been a hard and long one for me, despite it's identification as a relatively mild winter. I think it might have to do with the fact that I broke my foot in July, so my summer and autumn were robbed from me.

Because of all this, I am extremely excited for Spring. It's incredible to see all these tulips popping out of the ground, or running to your car in a rain shower or smelling all the blossoming trees on a walk. 

Christian and I starting planting a garden in our side yard. The whole process feels a bit magical to me: picking out the seeds, breaking up the ground and covering your hands in mud as you dig and drop a couple seeds in each finger sized hole.

It's incredible that something so small has so much potential. It can turn into a vegetable or bush or tree with just some good weather, time and care. Not all of them grow, and you never know what's going to happen, but you look over that garden bed and you just feel so proud. You want to watch it and make sure that they all have the best chance at success.

I imagine that's how God feels about us. 

The Secret Life of Allison Otting?

Tonight I went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I had heard some rave reviews from friends and coworkers, so I was pretty excited to see it. I liked it, but it didn't live up to the hype for me, though that seems to be a general problem with me. I expect too much, or maybe just
something different.

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